Find out which North Pole worker has been a ho-ho-ho courtesy of gossip hound Perez Hilton! This holiday season the blogger and former NEWSical star is taking a page from the off-Broadway parody's playbook by delivering Christmas gossip through song. Hilton teamed up with composers Lynn Pinto and Jason Michael Webb and lyricists George Howe and Frances Limoncelli for the hysterical holiday tune, “A Perez Hilton Christmas.” The track, featured on Broadway Cares’ 14th annual Carols For a Cure album, exposes the dirt buried underneath all the snow at the North Pole. From drunk reindeer to elves with eating problems, Perez shines a light on all the bawdy behavior at Santa’s workshop. Click below to hear the song and pick up the full album to hear selections from the cast of Evita, Newsies, Wicked and more!